T.B. Joshua As A Parable For MMM- Abimbola Adelakun
Abimbola Adelakun
There is a line from a play by Kola
Onadipe that I read in primary school, Halima Must Not Die, that returns
to me on days like this one. In the play, someone had asked the lead
character why she allowed herself to be deceived by religious charlatans
who were simply milking her for her money. She responded, “If you
cannot get the truth to buy, won’t you buy a lie?”
As I type this article about an ongoing
moneymaking scheme in town called MMM, and the General Overseer of The
Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Pastor Temitope Balogun Joshua, I am
aware that there can be no objective definition of “truth” or “lie” in
either case.
Here and there, Nigerians talk about
MMM, some kind of “wonder bank” where you invest some money and within
weeks, you get a 30 per cent return. The scheme is apparently popular
and a few people in my circle are involved as well. The MMM scheme does
not work like other Ponzi schemes but it uses a business strategy that
is unsustainable in the long run. The question is not whether it will
crash or not, it is a matter of when. I asked acquaintances who were
involved if they were aware that the programme was a resurgence of
“Wonder Bank” that collapsed just some years ago. They were quite aware
even though they were positive that the MMM would last longer than
“Wonder Bank”. I also asked if they knew that the MMM had failed in
countries like South Africa and Russia; it turns out that they knew that
detail quite well too. None of these folk, by the way, are illiterates
(and no, I did not just suggest that non-literate people are incapable
of making sound decisions). These guys are quite educated, they can
access information where and when necessary, and they know the risks
involved. So, why do it, I asked them.
One responded that it was like buying a lottery ticket but with a higher
guarantee of returns. They all said they have seen people’s investments
go down in the banks, stock exchange, forex trading, and similar
ventures. If the MMM fails, what will be new? While they have learnt to
hedge their bets more perspicaciously, they are also mentally prepared
for the inevitable. No government, they swore, can dissuade them from
the venture.
While I concede that not every investor is as discerning, and some poor
people out there are genuinely convinced that the MMM is running a
shadowy Wall Street, the interactions with these friends gave me another
perspective into the reasoning that drives people to make such risky
and desperate investment choices. Not everyone is an ignoramus expecting
the soil to yield a harvest beyond the earth’s abilities; some of the
investors are simply trying to cash into a dysfunctional system. Like
they noted, a number of financial institutions have collapsed in
Nigeria, taking people’s money and livelihoods with them. The
institutions vested with responsibilities to prevent and punish these
failures have not always been diligent. Some of the individuals behind
the failures of those financial institutions are currently seated in the
highest echelons of our legislative institutions, the hallow (and
hollow) chambers; they are the ones who now write the ethical codes for
our society. When a society is short of truth and justice, who is
surprised people buy a lie and panel beat it?
Lately, the House of Representatives
called on law enforcement agencies to arrest the promoters of the MMM. I
wish I could look those lawmakers in the eye and tell them how
ridiculous they sound. If they were a little more reflective, they would
find that the biggest Ponzi scheme operating in Nigeria today is
organised government; the lawmakers themselves are a major beneficiary
of the fraudulent project of governance. The Representatives can spend
all day pontificating on Nigerians’ reckless habit of throwing their
monies into the MMM, and how much they will hurt when the venture goes
burst, they will not get anywhere. People’s patronage of the MMM is a
symptom of Nigeria’s current dysfunctionality and if the lawmakers
listen to people’s justification of their investment, they will
understand that every self-destructive habit runs on an in-built logic.
The rather rational approach of the MMM
investors made me think about Pastor TB Joshua and his prophetic
enterprise in the wake of the United States of America presidential
election. Anyone who knows Joshua knows that prophecies – or informed
guesses, if you are a cynic – are his specialisation. He is well-known
in not only Nigeria and Africa, but in fact, parts of Latin America as
well. Recently, while working on an academic paper on politics and
religion in Africa, I asked friends from Ghana and South Africa to give
me the name of pastors whose activities affect their local politics so I
could read up on them. The two of them mentioned Joshua before their
local pastors!
When Joshua dabbled in predicting the winner of the US presidential
election, you could tell that he was reading the same tea leaves as
everyone else. He was most likely following the polls that gave the lead
to Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Quantitative polling, any social
scientist knows, has one huge limitation: it does not capture human
complexity or reveal attitudes which people choose to keep private. In a
post-election polling, people admitted they kept their choice of
presidential candidate, Trump, personal because they were embarrassed at
his lack of character and poor conduct. Like many people, Joshua
believed too much in the nobility and sophistication of Americans to
have expected they would vote a seeming buffoon like Trump as president.
Joshua’s “prophecy” missed things by a mile and immediately it was
obvious Trump would win, people congregated on the Internet to ridicule
him and his ridiculous habit of prophecies.
I knew at the time the jokes started
that this incident would change nothing in Joshua’s fortunes. One only
needs to look at a popular Abuja pastor and the way he parried his
alleged adultery scandal to realise that religious leaders know their
audience. They know most people in their congregation will never walk
away in disgust, not necessarily because they lack the gumption or that
personal integrity means nothing to them, but because the religious
leaders embody the truth that works for them in some other ways. Paul
Ricouer, a philosopher, describes people’s acceptance of religious
truths as levels of naiveté. First naiveté is the point people take
religious truth literally; second naiveté, they accept it as symbolism
and their attitude is more of pragmatic adjustments to the realities of
how their world is structured and which would not change even if they
walk away from their faith.
By the way, Joshua won a curious victory
nevertheless: although Clinton lost the Electoral College, she won the
popular vote. Joshua triumphantly hung to that little detail in a
statement he released to clarify his “prophecy”. He went further to
suggest that those who now gloat at his gaffe are simply not on the same
spiritual wavelength as he is. Rather than admit he is wrong, he
quickly muddles the pool and pushes back at his critics for their lack
of second sight. On his social media pages, his followers and devotees
have lapped up this explanation and they are quietly bleating,
“Emmanuel!” to the tune of this charlatanism.
After Joshua’s church in Lagos collapsed last year, one would have
expected his members to realise that prophecy or not, he does not see
further than his own nose. Instead, they rallied around him and even
spread his story of a mysterious aircraft. For the life of me, I do not
believe everybody in such a large church is that undiscerning, they
might have simply accepted that even a lie could be true. You only need
to shift your meaning of “truth” and there, it works just as well.
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