Donald Trump Calls MSNBC & CNN “Unwatchable” As Flynn Fallout Continues
On a day when the morning cable news shows were feasting on reported revelations about ties between Donald Trump’s
campaign aides and Russian intelligence, the president again turned TV
critic to rate the networks: MSNBC and CNN are “unwatchable” while Fox and Friends “is great!”
The string of presidential tweets were mostly in response to press reports – including a front-page New York Times piece – alleging that Trump campaign aides and associates had repeated contact with Russian intelligence in the year before the election. As he did yesterday, Trump took aim at White House leaks rather than the subject of those leaks, and once again called both the Times and the Washington Post “failing.”
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, co-host Mika Brzezinski doubled down on the show’s criticism of Trump spokespeople Kellyanne Conway and Stephen Miller, even seeming to ban Conway from the show.
“We know for a fact she tries to book herself on this show,” Brzezinski said of Conway. “I won’t do it because I don’t believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I’ve ever seen her on television something is skewed or off or incorrect.” Host Joe Scarborough said, “Right.”
Conway, of course, has come under fire for insisting on the president’s confidence in national security advisor Michael T. Flynn mere hours before Flynn resigned and press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump no longer had “trust” in the retired general. After the “Bowling Green Massacre” affair and plugging the Ivanka Trump retail line, Conway’s banishment to the press doghouse even became the subject of last week’s Saturday Night Live sketch presenting her as a betrayed Fatal Attraction stalker of CNN’s Jake Tapper.
Scarborough walked back his previous accusation that Conway lies, but not much. “I felt badly because the language that I used was so harsh and I’m going to take it back about her, quote, lying,” Scarborough said.
“I don’t even think she’s saying something she knows to be untrue,” Scarborough said, depicting Conway as being “out of the loop” among White House staff. “She’s saying things just to get in front of the TV and prove her relevance because, behind the scenes, she’s not in these meetings.”
The string of presidential tweets were mostly in response to press reports – including a front-page New York Times piece – alleging that Trump campaign aides and associates had repeated contact with Russian intelligence in the year before the election. As he did yesterday, Trump took aim at White House leaks rather than the subject of those leaks, and once again called both the Times and the Washington Post “failing.”
“We know for a fact she tries to book herself on this show,” Brzezinski said of Conway. “I won’t do it because I don’t believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I’ve ever seen her on television something is skewed or off or incorrect.” Host Joe Scarborough said, “Right.”
Conway, of course, has come under fire for insisting on the president’s confidence in national security advisor Michael T. Flynn mere hours before Flynn resigned and press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump no longer had “trust” in the retired general. After the “Bowling Green Massacre” affair and plugging the Ivanka Trump retail line, Conway’s banishment to the press doghouse even became the subject of last week’s Saturday Night Live sketch presenting her as a betrayed Fatal Attraction stalker of CNN’s Jake Tapper.
Scarborough walked back his previous accusation that Conway lies, but not much. “I felt badly because the language that I used was so harsh and I’m going to take it back about her, quote, lying,” Scarborough said.
“I don’t even think she’s saying something she knows to be untrue,” Scarborough said, depicting Conway as being “out of the loop” among White House staff. “She’s saying things just to get in front of the TV and prove her relevance because, behind the scenes, she’s not in these meetings.”
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